The 21st Urological Association of Asia (UAA) Congress

The 21st Urological Association of Asia (UAA) Congress, in conjunction with the 47th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Indonesian Urological Association (ASMIUA) and the 18th Pan-Pacific Continence Society (PPCS) Meeting held on 3-8 September 2024. Attended by around 3,000 urology experts from 60 countries, mainly from Asia. The theme of the 21st UAA Congress, “Integrating Urological Frontiers: Transformative Innovation Meets Global Collaboration,” emphasizes the importance of transformative innovation and global cooperation in addressing challenges in urology. Twenty-one international urological associations and eight national urological organizations are participating in the congress.

The opening ceremony was marked by the symbolic plunge of a Kris by the President of UAA 2024, accompanied by the President of the Indonesian Urological Association (InaUA), the Secretary General of UAA, and the Bali Provincial Secretary.

The congress has been covered key topics such as uro-oncology, andrology, reconstructive urology, endourology, neurourology, pediatric urology, and female urology. A highlight of the event is the presentation of cutting-edge technology in robotic surgery, particularly telerobotic surgery. The UAA Congress is an annual event aimed at promoting urology in Asia and improving urological patient care in the region, which accounts for 60% of the world’s population. UAA currently has 25 member associations, representing over 25,000 urologists across Asia.

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